FaaS(Functions as a Service)函数即服务,FaaS是无服务器计算的一种形式,当前使用最广泛的是AWS的Lambada。
faas-netes - Enable Kubernetes as a backend for Functions as a Service (OpenFaaS) https://github.com/alexellis/faas
fn - The container native, cloud agnostic serverless platform. http://fnproject.io
funktion - a CLI tool for working with funktion https://funktion.fabric8.io/
fx - Poor man's serverless framework based on Docker, Function as a Service with painless.
IronFunctions - IronFunctions - the serverless microservices platform. http://iron.io
kubeless - Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework http://kubeless.io
nuclio - High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform
OpenFaaS - OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker & Kubernetes https://blog.alexellis.io/introducing-functions-as-a-service/
OpenWhisk - Apache OpenWhisk (Incubating) is a serverless, open source cloud platform that executes functions in response to events at any scale.
关于整个Cloud Native开源生态,请参考awesome-cloud-native。
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